Different Types of Weedeater Heads and How to Change the Strings
When it comes to the weeds in your yard, you need a tool that can get the job done quickly and efficiently. One of the best options for tackling those tall and stubborn plants is a string trimmer. For many years, this has been an essential item for homeowners. But as technology has evolved over time, we now have more options when it comes to string trimmers than ever before. Though they might look similar at first glance, there are actually several different types of heads available on today’s market.
If you want to know what each one does and how they work differently from one another, then keep reading!
What are the different weedeater heads and how do they work?
There are three types of weedeater heads:
- The standard round line head. This is the most common type of weedeater head. It's used for everything, from trimming grass to chopping weeds. It has a good balance between cutting ability and durability, which makes it great for most homeowners' needs.
- The nylon string head. This is a lightweight option that's ideal for people who want something more precise than what you get with the standard round line head but aren't looking for anything too heavy duty either (like if you're just doing some light maintenance around your house).
- The skip tooth edge weeder. This model has blades with serrated edges instead of straight ones like other models do; these allow it to cut through thick stems more easily than other types would allow this task, so if you have lots of tall weeds or brushy growths that need clearing out then this might be worth considering when shopping around for one!
Can you change the string on different weedeater heads?
If you're looking to change the string on your weedeater head, it's a pretty simple process. However, that does depend on the type of weedeater head you have.
For example, if your trimmer has an automatic line feed feature (meaning it feeds more line as needed), then you will need to remove the entire head and replace it with a new one when the string runs out. If this is not possible, or if you don't have access to replacement strings, then you should take off just enough grass so that it doesn't jam up in between gears.
How do you change the line on a spool head?
- Remove the head from the shaft.
- Remove the spool head.
- Remove the spool.
- Replace the spool with a new one, or replace just part of it if there's only one string left on it.
If you're using a universal trimmer head and have a bare shaft or electric trimmer shank in hand, then you'll need to make sure that:
- You have a string holder for your model (full-sized weedeaters have them built-in). Without one, it can be difficult to secure a new line properly; this also means that you'll probably need to figure out which size fits best beforehand!
How do you install pre-wound spool heads?
To do this, you will need to take off a few parts.
- Unscrew the cap on top of your trimmer’s head by turning it counterclockwise with your hand.
- Remove any leftover line from inside the head by grasping each end of what is left and pulling it out through the hole in which you removed the cap (you may want to use some pliers).
Once you have removed all leftover string, place your new pre-wound spool of line into place. You will do this by inserting one end into an empty space and sliding it through until it comes out from under another piece of plastic. At this point, you can screw back on that part that was underneath.
If you know how to change your line, then your weedeater will last longer.
Now that you know how to change your line, your weedeater will last longer. It’s a simple process that can save you money and frustration! And while changing the line may sound intimidating at first, don’t worry—weedeaters are designed with this in mind, so it should be easy for anyone to do.American Power Equipment has a variety of weedeaters (and more equipment!) to buy or rent at your convenience. Visit our website today to learn more at www.americanpowerequip.com.