What is the Best Way to Store Your Lawn Mower?
Lawn mowers are quite a financial investment, and you don’t want yours to be destroyed due to the elements. There are many options available for you to store your lawn mower, but how do you determine which is the best? At American Power Equipment, we have seen it all, and we’re here to provide guidance on the best way to store your lawn mower.
1. Store It in a Shed
We’re getting straight to it - the most common, advisable and best method of storing your lawn mower is by keeping it in a shed. This way, it is protected from the elements and animals. Harsh weather conditions will damage your lawn mower. Whether it be from precipitation or heat, any moisture or extreme temperatures will only cause your lawnmower harm. Storing your lawn mower in a shed also prevents it from being stolen. Make sure you purchase a lock!
You may be asking yourself, “What do I do if I don’t have a shed? Is my lawn mower doomed to be ruined?” Fear not! We have other options for those who do not have a shed.
2. Store It in Your Garage
If you have the extra space, store your lawn mower in your garage. It provides all the benefits of a shed, and you won’t have to spend extra money on additional storage. Be sure to keep it out of the reach of children, as well as place it in a spot that isn’t too close to where you park your car, so you won’t accidentally bump into it. Be sure that your garage isn’t prone to moisture, though, or you might want to invest in a cover for your lawn mower.
3. Keep It in A Storage Box
These days, you can often find a plastic box that is specially manufactured for storing your lawn mower. They are very small, as they are designed to only fit your lawn mower, so it won’t take up too much space in your yard. However, these are prone to warping in the heat and are also not preventative of theft.
4. Keep It Under a Tarp
If you have no other storage solutions and must keep your lawn mower outside, keep it protected from the elements and place a tarp or cover over it. You can buy a waterproof cover specifically for lawn mowers, and thus, will provide some protection. However, in areas where it rains a lot, this is not advisable. Additionally, it puts you at risk of having your lawn mower stolen.
When it comes down to it, storing your lawn mower in a shed (with a lock!) is the best way to keep it safe and sound. It prevents theft from occurring, protects your lawn mower from the elements and also keeps it out of reach of children. The best way to keep your investment looking shiny and new and functioning to perfection is by storing your lawn mower in a shed.
Are you looking for a new lawn mower? At American Power Equipment, all of our equipment is designed with you in mind. We aim to provide you with quality tools and reliable service that you can depend on. We are proud to be locally owned and operated and would love to discuss your project and power equipment needs with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us by giving us a call at (251) 325-3019.