How to Choose the Right Weed Eater String
Weed eaters are a must-have for anyone who wants to keep their lawn looking great. By using a weed eater, you can trim your grass and get rid of unwanted weeds without having to use chemicals or heavy machinery—and weed eaters make the job much easier than doing it by hand! However, there are many different types of weed eaters with different features and functions. Depending on what kind of yard you have, some of these features may be more or less important than others. To help you choose the best string trimmer for your needs, we'll cover everything from line sizes to types to help you find the best fit.
Trimmer Line Sizes
There are plenty of things to consider when buying weed eater string. Depending on the size of your yard, you may need several different lengths and diameters. You'll also want to choose between a synthetic or natural material. Here's an overview of the most important factors to keep in mind when shopping for string for your trimmer:
- The diameter of your line will determine how much surface area it covers as it moves through the air. A larger diameter means more coverage per swipe, but also more weight hanging from your trimmer head, which can affect its balance and performance if too heavy (or worse). If you have a big lawn with lots of weeds to clear, choose a thick line that cuts tough vegetation effectively without weighing down your machine too much. This will allow you to trim faster without having any trouble getting through tough spots like dandelions and briars. On the other hand, if all you need is some quick maintenance around flower beds and shrubs where light vegetation is, try using something thinner so that both power requirements, as well as weight load, aren't unnecessarily high. You don't want either one hindering how quickly or easily it handles its job!
- The length corresponds directly with how many feet worth of cutting surface comes off at once. This is why longer spools offer more coverage per pass than those shorter ones.
Trimmer Lines Types
There are several types of weed eater strings available. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to know what you're getting before you buy.
Monofilament String: Monofilament is the most common type of string for weed eaters, as it's cheap and easy to find at any hardware store or home improvement center. It also lasts longer than other types of string because its material is thicker, but this can be a drawback when dealing with thick weeds that require more power from your trimmer than the monofilament can provide. The thicker material also makes it harder to thread through the head assembly on your trimmer model if necessary. Some models have an automatic feed mechanism that allows you to simply drop the end into place rather than having to feed each individual piece in by hand.
Braided Line: Braided line offers some advantages over monofilament; although it is slightly more expensive, it has less stretch and doesn't fray as easily when cut or broken by rocks. The braiding process also creates stronger fibers overall, which means a longer lifetime. This sounds like good news until one factors in how many times they'll need replacing due to wear and tear over time!
Spool Type
The spool type, size and capacity of your weed eater string will vary depending on the brand and model you have.
- Spool Type: Weed eater strings come in two types: continuous and segmented (sometimes called “loose-wrap”). Continuous strings are made of a single length of wire that doesn't require any cutting or changing out. Segmented strings typically include two pieces that fit together to make one long cord, but sometimes there will be more than two segments you need to connect together. This type is also known as a “loose wrap” because the individual pieces don't stay locked together on their own. Instead, they're stored in a way that makes them easy to use when needed but easy to remove from inside your trimmer's head when not in use.
- Spool Size/Capacity: The size refers only to how much material can fit onto each spool. It doesn't necessarily mean that weeds eaters with larger diameter spools will be better at handling thick weeds than those with smaller ones. In fact, there are many other factors like blade size that determine how well your tool is able to cut through tougher grasses
Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of what to look for in your next weed eater string, it’s time to get out there and start trimming. We hope this article has helped you navigate the world of trimmer line types so you can make a confident decision about what kind will work best for your property! Contact American Power Equipment for your power equipment and lawn care tool needs.